Friday, March 12, 2010

Review of Scribbling in Ink's anti-blog blog

I greatly enjoyed this post about the potential downfalls of being an active participant in the blogging age. I have many of the same apprehensions as the author, so I fell as if I can relate completely to these thoughts.

I had never thought of peer pressure being a potential hazard, but after reading this I can see how that would be a factor. It seems that all of this authors blogs have been well thought out and written fairly well.

Since we are in different points in our lives, I probably would not be able to relate to the same things on the same levels but I still respect her points of view. I appreciate a look into her thoughts and points of view.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Kara,
    I'm looking forward to reading your Comp. II entries. Welcome back! Julie
