Friday, March 12, 2010

My experience blogging

When this class first began, I was not thrilled about the blogging requirement. It was a rare occurrence for me to even read a blog, and that was only when someone forwarded me a link with specific instructions about what to read.

I am in my EARLY 30's, so technology should be more interesting to me. I do the basics-- email, basic research, catching up on the news, etc-- on the internet, but never really considered looking at blogs. I guess I just assumed that it would bore me. Why would I want to waste my valuable time reading what some random nobody has to say about stuff I probably don't even care about.

Well I am only going to say this once so pay attention. I WAS WRONG! I have extremely enjoyed the blogging piece of our assignments. Do I write the most interesting blog posts? No. Do I have fun writing them? YES!

I still feel like blogs make it too easy for people to get up on their soap boxes to rant and rave about stuff I consider boring, but blogging really is the epitome of free speech. Blogging allows everyone to have an equal say. I definitely plan on keeping up with this blog, or at least one like it. I am in interdisciplinary comp II next 8 weeks, so it will be required for me to blog, but even beyond that I think I will have a blog to post my various thoughts and ideas.

One downside to blog is learning to censor yourself. That is hard, at least for me. I normally practice a great deal of restraint because of my family, my job, various professional organizations, etc. Since it is so easy to say what you really think or feel in blog form, I can see the possibility of revealing too much information could become an issue.

All in all, blogging has become an enjoyable way to get my thoughts out there AND get my assignments done in an enjoyable way.

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