Friday, January 29, 2010

Fictive memoir

I have always wanted to visit New York City. My dream came true in December when I won a trip from an internet essay contest. Having never traveled to a big city like this, I bought lots of travel guides and did extensive research on the "must see" spots of the city. I read tips on how to protect myself from muggers, panhandlers and rapists and purchased a special travel purse that stayed close to your body making it more difficult for a purse snatcher to snatch my purse.

I boarded my flight with butterflies in my stomach ready for an adventure of a lifetime. As soon as I checked into my hotel, within walking distance to so many places that I wanted to visit, I dropped off my bags and set out to see the sights. To my surprise, no one tried to mug me or scam me out of a dollar. It was an exciting experience being immersed in a place that was so different to what I was used to. Before the days end, I knew I wanted to see Central Park. Boy was I surprised when a waitress who saw me checking out my guidebooks told me of a rabies outbreak in Central Park.

At first I thought she was pulling my leg, trying to trick the tourist. But as she told me that there were infected raccoons in the park causing an outbreak I knew immediately that I better listen. I took her advice to be on the lookout for any raccoon that may show itself to me during the day. She explained that since raccoons were nocturnal creatures, usually only sick raccoons made themselves visible to people during the day.

I made it through my trip unscathed. I saw the sights and experienced the city as much as I could on a 3 day trip. I went to Central Park every day of the trip, never seeing a rabid, or any other type for that matter, raccoon. I saw many other things that surprised me, but nothing rabid.

When I returned home, I did research on the problem of this outbreak. It seems that the start of the outbreak is unclear, but the problem is being taken very seriously. I am so grateful to not have had a run in with one of these infected creatures.

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